Access Statement

We have done everything we can to make sure that the Living Symphonies tour is accessible for as wide an audience as possible. However, the nature of the piece means that it is necessary to travel through the outdoors to get there, and some of our Forestry Commission site locations are more accessible than others.

Thetford Forest is a 15-minute walk from the main car park at typical walking pace. The installation site is down a short, middling incline; wheelchair ramps can be provided if you notify the staff in advance.

Fineshade Woods is a 10-minute walk from the car park, along a well-surfaced stone path. The installation site is located on a shallow incline.

Birches Valley, Cannock Chase Forest is a 15-minute walk from the car park. The main route is along a stone walking path. The installation site itself is made up of thick heather.

Bedgebury National Pinetum and Forest is a 10-minute walk from the car park along a well-surfaced main pathway, and is a flat, accessible site with a carpet of pine needles underfoot.

If you require a mobility scooter to get around, we recommend visiting the installation at Bedgebury National Pinetum & Forest in August, as this is the most easily accessible location. Other Forestry Commission locations will also provide mobility scooter and electric wheelchair hire, but we cannot guarantee that you will be able to experience the whole installation, as only parts of the terrain will be accessible.

Accessible toilets are available at the visitors’ centres of all of the sites, and dedicated disabled parking bays are also provided.

If you have any questions about access, please contact the Living Symphonies Project Manager,
Bella Scarr ()

Thanks to Attitude Is Everything for guidance on access.